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InfoTiles in Copenhagen at World Water Congress 2022

InfoTiles in Copenhagen at World Water Congress 2022

The whole InfoTiles team meets for the first time at the International Water Association World Water Congress in Copenhagen, Denmark for conference and team building activities.
InfoTiles modernises city water management with AI analytics

InfoTiles modernises city water management with AI analytics

InfoTiles provides real-time analytics for the water value chain, increasing efficiency and sustainability in the water sector.
InfoTiles named top 25 most innovative start-ups in Nordic Cleantech Open

InfoTiles named top 25 most innovative start-ups in Nordic Cleantech Open

Stavanger, August 25th 2022 - InfoTiles is pleased to be named as one of the top 25 cleantech innovators for water and wastewater at Nordic Cleantech Open.
Meet InfoTiles at Tilbake Til Fremtiden

Meet InfoTiles at Tilbake Til Fremtiden

InfoTiles is looking forward to sharing our perspectives on digital water at Tilbake Til Fremtiden on 30-31 August 2022 (Translation 'Back to the Future') hosted by VA-Yngre.
Anglian Water pilots transformative AI technology

Anglian Water pilots transformative AI technology

Learn how InfoTiles, Anglian Water and WaterStart are working together to transform water infrastructure management over a 12-month pilot project.
Wastewater influx monitoring

Wastewater influx monitoring

If a water utility has leaking wastewater pipes, it can result in rainfall infiltrating the wastewater grid. This can overload the wastewater system during periods of heavy rain.
Condition monitoring and District Metering Analysis

Condition monitoring and District Metering Analysis

InfoTiles District Metering Analysis (DMA) provides monitoring of pressure zones and supply zones in the water supply grid, in real time.
How Lillestrøm effectively handles environmental challenges

How Lillestrøm effectively handles environmental challenges

The collection of data across many sources gives Lillestrøm municipality unique insight into various environmental challenges in a resource-efficient way.
Smart Molde and InfoTiles - Regional cooperation for smart use of data

Smart Molde and InfoTiles - Regional cooperation for smart use of data

Cooperation on digitalising water is underway with Molde municipality, Ålesund municipality, ROR-IKT, and InfoTiles, with support from the National Institute of Public Health.
Building Energy Monitoring

Building Energy Monitoring

InfoTiles correlates energy use with ambient weather metrics such as degree days to provide actionable insights on building performance.
Floods and Flood Management

Floods and Flood Management

In the last 10 years damage caused by weather has cost 27 billion kr in Norway, some of which could be prevented with a warning system and swift action from the municipalities.
Data Lakes - almost everything you need to know

Data Lakes - almost everything you need to know

Data Lakes are central storage systems where you can store massive amounts of related, unrelated and unstructured data - everything from phone recordings to IoT data.